

When I'd vote for Trump

Tonight is the most important night of the 2016 presidential campaign. We’ll see the monumental first debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. This is, undoubtedly, the most wild election our country has ever seen. And whatever party you may have affiliated with in the past, please see this one with a clear perspective.


We don’t have a democrat and a republican. We have a flawed but levelheaded and experienced candidate. And we have a hotheaded, egoist, temperamental, sexist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, chauvinist, supremacist, small handed, dangerous, unpredictable, radical bigot who's built his career on failed businesses and firing people.


Please, please vote.


Here’s a list of what I’d vote for before Mr. Trump.


Bernie Sanders

A house broken standard poodle

Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec

My high school government teacher

A stack of IHOP pancakes

First gen Siri

The cast of Hamilton

David Hasselhoff, drunk, eating a cheeseburger

The coworker that corrects everyone’s grammar

Elizabeth Warren

Isaiah Mustafa, shirtless, selling Old Spice on the back of a white unicorn

Ted Allen, the host of Chopped

A pickled cabbage

That old guy from the “di-a-bee-tus” commericals

Mark Cuban

Whoever irons Trump’s red Power Ties

4 year old Blu Ivy

The ghost of Harambe


I'm with her. I urge you to vote Hillary too.

Contributions to the list:

Left shark, with right shark as VP. - Nunzi

Lindsay DyerComment