

10 more embarrassing things that happened in NYC

I currently feel like crawling under a rock forever *but I'm owning it*. Here's 10 more cringeworthy - and laughable - NYC mishaps.


  1. Actually got stuck between the closing subway doors. They’re supposed to spring back – these just kept squashing. Bless the friends that pulled me out and caught my stumbling, terrified, freshly sandwiched self. 
  2. Ate too much birthday cake and got sick, because I am a reckless and unmonitored child.
  3. Offered a protein bar to a homeless person on a street corner. He looks up to me and replied “BITCH I DON’T GOT TEETH.”
  4. Tripped and knocked over a decent amount of bananas while sleep deprived at a Whole Foods. Did I own the mistake and shrug it off, or turn bright red and duck into the canned food aisle?
  5. Missed my subway stop – significantly – because I was so engrossed in a book.
  6. Got busted for swiping a sandwich from the Grey parents day luncheon. It was delicious and worth it.
  7. My ponytail got snatched and coiled in a foam roller. At the gym. In front of several attractive gym guys. 10/10 head-snatched-backwards-awkwardness.
  8. I’ve tried swiping my subway Metrocard to get into work, and my work badge to get into the subway. Fact: it doesn’t work. It will never work.
  9. “HEY DO YOU HAVE AN AUX CORD?!!” – me, in an Uber, anytime I’ve consumed 4+ drinks. This needs to be stopped. Immediately.
  10. The smoke alarms still go off every time I make kale chips.



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